Our Clients

Our Key Competences
We are iTechnoPhoenix Systems and Technical Services Pvt Ltd. we are here to make your business grow more with our world best Solutions.
In Which Sections we provide our services are as follows,
- Computer Networking & Hardwares
- Software Development & Managment
- Digital Marketing & Animation Graphics
iTechnoPhoenix is Softaware development and hardware managment firm who serves services all over india in above categories. We are commanaly known for Networking as well hardware managment. we are working on Software Development and digital marketing also.
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01 Computer Networking and Hardware
iTechnoPhoenix is Softaware development and hardware managment firm who serves services all over india in above categories. We are commanaly known for Networking as well hardware managment.
02 Software Development and Management
iTechnoPhoenix is Softaware development and hardware managment firm who serves services all over india in above categories. we are working on Software Development since last few years and making corporate world more accurate.
03 Digital Marketing and Animation Graphics
iTechnoPhoenix is Softaware development and hardware managment firm who serves services all over india in above categories. We provide unique and finely created graphics with animations in graphics section.
What Our Customer says about our work accuracy.

iTechnoPhoenix is Softaware development and hardware managment firm who serves services all over india in above categories. We are commanaly known for Networking as well hardware managment. we are working on Software Development and digital marketing also.
Networking & Configurations
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Frequently Asked Questions
iTechnoPhoenix is Softaware development and hardware managment firm who serves services all over india in above categories. We are commanaly known for Networking as well hardware managment. we are working on Software Development and digital marketing also.
What can you help me with?
With whatever we can. Preparing cost analysis, establishing team roles, creating roadmaps. Defining business goals, key business values, target users, main features, prioritising. We can find you similar projects that are already active on the market to benchmark against. We can assist you with creating user personas, mock-ups, user stories, time frame, establishing project status and preparing project estimation. We'll be happy to outline project specification, prepare wireframes, details concerning integrations with external services, API documentation, required features list.
How do I create a product with you?
If you have an idea contact us by our online form, e-mail or phone. We'll meet and talk it over. Just be sure to prepare as much info about your idea as possible, it will smoothen the meeting and benefit further cooperation. If you don't know how to get around to it, go ahead and read our blog entry on how to write a project brief.
What do I need to know before contacting you?
Well, the most important thing to know is what do you want to accomplish. Why do I need this software? What for? What should it do? Having a clear vision in mind is crucial when ordering a software application. You don't want to spend many months developing it with us without being sure what you need. If you have no experience in app development feel free to read our blog entry on that topic. We'll also be glad to help you get started, building projects from scratch is nothing new for us.
How do you guarantee product quality?
We evaluate the result after every two weeks, we test our work (we conduct both development and acceptance tests), we present it to you, we apply your feedback so you know you get what you are paying for.
How can I be sure you work at my project as much as you declare?
We thoroughly monitor our developers and control how much time they spend on each task down to the exact minute. We use Harvest software and Redmine to track time spent on your project.